Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Revised Reading Response New Art Media

Revised Reading Response New Media Art
Beverly Williams 2602_sp19

        New Media Art is difficult to define as it is ever changing based on technological advances. In Mark Tribe’s introduction to New Media Art he describes it as projects that make use of emerging media technologies and are concerned with the cultural, political and aesthetic possibilities of these tools. Some of this technology used for the production of art may include the world wide web, social media, google images, digital camera, wireless phones, surveillance cameras, graphic design, flicker, computer software, twitter, games, Facebook, television, and radio. Traditional media could include film camera, newspaper, television, radio, painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking, and games. By looking into the past and fast forwarding to the present one can see how the old mediums merge with the new media.
New media art is thought to have begun around 1834 with the creation of moving photographic inventions. The first was the zerotype, a cylindrical device with photos on the inside and slits cut in the sides. The zerotype would spin around and the viewer would see the images whirl past providing them with the illusion of movement.  Leap forward to today and virtual reality environments immerse one into the illusion of being in and participating in the picture.
Ai Weiwei, a chinese dissident artist and fearless tweeter uses social media for dissemination of some of his artworks. An example is his photographs of him dropping a Han Dynasty ceramic urn, one of his best known works.

New media games intersect with the traditional media of board games and card games. Both types of games are prolific in today’s society and can be played online with others or in the privacy of your home. The gaming artist uses the same design principles that any other artist would us. Cory Arcangel used traditional medium of the game super mario brothers. He accessed the software to isolate the clouds for his images. These digital images was displayed on numerous panels in the Lisson Gallery in Switzerland along with an digital image of a M29 soviet fighter jet.
Whether it be stone to stone, graphic to paper, or finger to mouse. Drawing has been with us for centuries. Whether an artist wishes to render a sketch, an abstract image or representational image, drawing is the base medium for most all artworks. Drawing is being done on computers with the assistance of  new high powered graphic design programs, yet still following the traditional design principles.
The world has moved into a global art community thanks to technology. Numerous artists, from different parts of the world,  are capable of working on the same project. Art The community allows for the collaboration and participation of all who have access to the internet.
New media draws on the lessons learned and taught from traditional media. It is really difficult to think of a new media that totally excludes traditional media. Artist has always looked to the past for inspiration, as they continue their evolution along with the technological evolution.

Project 1 png longest side 1500

Project 1 png longest side 1500

Saturday, January 26, 2019

high quality jpg of Project 1

Humans / Inventors

Humans and Machines


The concept for this triptych was to use inventors or those who inspired future inventions, and their machines/inventions. I selected DaVinci, being a great renaissance man, he created drawings and sketches of aerial screws. The aerial screws led to the future design for helicopters. Tesla did work and created the alternating current, AC. Jules Verne, a writer, created the concept of a submarine, the nautilus. Lyman Spitzer had the great idea of putting a telescope into space in order to get a much clearer picture of the universe .Louis Daguerre created the Daguerreotype camera. George Ferris invented the Ferris wheel, oh what fun we can have. Laurens Hammond gave us the Hammond organ. Joseph Jacquard invented a labor saving loom for weaving. Christopher Sholes gave us the typewriter. Grace Hopper's worked on the Mark I, II & III at Harvard. Maria Beasley's invention, the life raft, has saved many a life. Nancy Johnson gave us a way to make ice cream in a more efficient way with her ice cream maker. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.

When I started this project, I had never used Photoshop. I am not skilled as of yet, but I am more proficient then I was. I still have a long way to go. One of my bell ringing moments was when I realized if I took an image, saved it as a psd, then altered that image I could use it in any of my panels. Wow. Once I figured that I did not have to alter the image in each panel, it dramatically speeded up my completion process. Unfortunately that did not happened until I was near completion on my three panels. In order to find out how to package a Ps file for printing, I had to google it. Hope I got it correct.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

January 23, 2019
Purchased computer capable of using Ps program.
Will set up tomorrow, download Ps and continue with Project 1 assignment.
Ps is a very powerful program. I am looking forward to using it more and seeing what else the program has to offer.
January 23, 2019
Critique on Project 1 rough draft. Will remove landscape background images.
Adjust sizes and locations of images.
great learning new software.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Project 1 Panel 3 right

Project 1 Panel 2 center

Project 1 Panel 1 left

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Image and Reading Sources

1 Daguerre Louis jpg
By Jean-Baptiste Sabatier-Blot (1801-1881) - [1], Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3112794

2 Daguerreotype Camera jpg

3 DaVinci Leonardo jpg

4 DaVinci Aerial Screw 2 pics jpg

5 DaVinci Aerial Screw jpg

6 Ferris George Washington Gale Ferris Jr jpg

7 Ferris Pensacola Beach ferris wheel jpg

8 Hammond Laurens Hammond jpg

9 Hammond Electric Organ jpg

10 Jacquard Joseph Marie Jacquard jpg

11 Jacquard Loom jpg

12 Landscape Desert Rocky jpg

13 Landscape Desert Arizona jpg

14 Landscape Desert Mountains River jpg

15 Landscape Monument Valley jpg

16 Landscape Painted Desert jpg

17 MacMasters Alan MacMasters jpg

18 MacMasters D12 Cord Electric Toaster jpg

19 Sholes Christopher Latham Sholes jpg

20 Sholes Typewriter jpg
Von User:Kosmopolitat - Machine from own collection, photographed by myself, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=49525

21 Spitzer Lyman Spitzer jpg
By NASA - http://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/postsecondary/features/F_Lyman_Spitzer.html, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=17815210

22 Spitzer 727b13 Hubble Telescope jpg

23 Spitzer 4c9fc Hubble Telescope jpg

24 Tank Max 1 jpg

25 Tank Flers Courcelette jpg

26 Tank WWII jpg

27 Tesla Nikola Tesla jpg

28 Tesla Alternating Current jpg

29 Verne Jules Verne age 25 jpg

31 Ibn al-Haytham jpg

32 Camera Obscura .jpg

Analysis of why I selected these images for Project 1
Considering the topic of Human, Hybrid, and Machine for triptych, I decided to use images of inventors, authors who inspired future inventions, and the machines of their inventions. Selection of the images were from my concept of a collage triptych depicting inventors and inventions that have advanced society and civilization.
Twenty of the thirty-two images I selected:
Images 1&2. Louis Daguerre and his  daguerreotype camera. This was the first camera that was available for public purchase and use.
Images 3 ,4 & 5. Leonardo DaVinci and his aerial Screw. The aerial screw was the precursor to the helicopter.
Images 6 & 7. George Washington Gale Ferris Jr invented the Ferris wheel. Not just your ordinary wheel. An image of the Ferris wheel at Pensacola beach.
Images 8 & 9. Laurens Hammond and his Electric organ. If not for the invention of the alternating current by Nikola Tesla, the electric organ would not have been possible.
Images 10 & 11. Joseph Marie Jacquard and his loom. This invention enabled designs to be woven into cloth which resulted in the commercialization of weaving. It also used punch-card technology which was later used in inputting information into computers and programing.
Images 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16. These images were selected for possible use as a background image to the triptych collage.
Images 17 & 18. Alan MacMaster and his electric toaster. A marvel it was being able to electronically put a burnt surface on a piece of bread. This let to the invention of the pop up toaster in 1919.
Images 19 & 20. Christopher Latham Sholes and his typewriter. The qwerty keyboard on this typewriter is attributed to Christopher Sholes. The layout of the keyboard provided for a faster way of typing.
These images along with my other selections will provide me with compositions that catch the viewer's eye and hold their attention for quite a period of time.

1 Louis Daguerre

2 Daguerreotype Camera
3 Leonardo DaVinci

4 DaVinci Aerial Screw
5 DaVinci Aerial Screw

6 George Washington Gale Ferris
7 Pensacola Beach Ferris Wheel
8 Laurens Hammond

9 Hammond Electric Organ
10 Joseph Marie Jacquard

11 Jacquard Loom

12 Landscape Desert Rocky

13 Landscape Desert Arizona

14 Landscape Desert Mountains River

15 Landscape Monument Valley
16 Landscape Painted Desert

17 Alan MacMasters

18 Alan MacMasters Toaster

19 Christopher Latham Sholes

20 Christopher Latham Sholes Typewriter

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Reading Response January 14, 2014
Beverly J. Williams 2602_sp19
New Media Art
           To discuss how new media is inclusive and exclusive of traditional media, a compilation is needed. Some new media could be the world wide web, google images, digital camera, graphic design, flicker, computer software, twitter, games, Facebook, television, and radio. Traditional media could include film camera, newspaper, television, radio, painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking, and games. A comparison of different artist will show how they include or exclude the new and traditional medias. Providing an insight of art that is inclusive, exclusive, and may have overlapping aspects of new media and traditional media..
    New media games intersect with the traditional media of board games and card games. Both types of games are prolific in today’s society and can be played online with others or in the privacy of your home. The gaming artist uses the same design principles that any other artist would us. Let us examine the media of video games and Cory Arcangel. He used traditional medium of the game super mario brothers. He accessed the software to isolate the clouds for his image. This digital image was displayed on numerous panels in the Lisson Gallery in Switzerland along with an digital image of a M29 soviet fighter jet. Cory excluded some of the images used in the traditional game and included the new media of digital images.
    Radio is an example of traditional medium. This technology is still very relevant today. With the ever increasing use of the internet, there is a high demand for internet that has very fast download and upload speeds. A lot of older buildings are not wired for current internet use. It would be very costly to wire these buildings for this. In order to met the demand for internet in Boston, without using one of the monopoly companies, Brough Turner came up with way to bring high internet to Boston. Turner did this  without the high monthly cost associated with the monopoly companies. No need to attach things to poles or dig up large areas to install underground cable. Turner uses 19th century technology, Radio airwaves, which are free. With the current availability of low cost high powered antennas, which are capable of transmitting the signal to a wide area, it is now possible to bring low cost high speed internet to the masses.
    One of the oldest medias is drawing. Whether it be stone to stone or graphic to paper, drawing is one of the materials easiest to obtain. Whether an artist wishes to render a sketch, an abstract image or representational image, drawing is the base medium for most all artworks. You might think it has been excluded from the new media. Think again. Drawing is being done with computers with the assistance of  new high powered graphic design programs.
    It is really difficult to think of a media whether it be new media or traditional media that excludes the other. Most new media uses something from traditional media. We continue to look to the past for inspiration. Create on.