Saturday, January 26, 2019

Humans / Inventors

Humans and Machines


The concept for this triptych was to use inventors or those who inspired future inventions, and their machines/inventions. I selected DaVinci, being a great renaissance man, he created drawings and sketches of aerial screws. The aerial screws led to the future design for helicopters. Tesla did work and created the alternating current, AC. Jules Verne, a writer, created the concept of a submarine, the nautilus. Lyman Spitzer had the great idea of putting a telescope into space in order to get a much clearer picture of the universe .Louis Daguerre created the Daguerreotype camera. George Ferris invented the Ferris wheel, oh what fun we can have. Laurens Hammond gave us the Hammond organ. Joseph Jacquard invented a labor saving loom for weaving. Christopher Sholes gave us the typewriter. Grace Hopper's worked on the Mark I, II & III at Harvard. Maria Beasley's invention, the life raft, has saved many a life. Nancy Johnson gave us a way to make ice cream in a more efficient way with her ice cream maker. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.

When I started this project, I had never used Photoshop. I am not skilled as of yet, but I am more proficient then I was. I still have a long way to go. One of my bell ringing moments was when I realized if I took an image, saved it as a psd, then altered that image I could use it in any of my panels. Wow. Once I figured that I did not have to alter the image in each panel, it dramatically speeded up my completion process. Unfortunately that did not happened until I was near completion on my three panels. In order to find out how to package a Ps file for printing, I had to google it. Hope I got it correct.

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